Tonsuya Elementary School is a central school that offers complete elementary grades with Kindergarten and SPED classes. The school sincerely adheres to the DepEd’s BasicReform Agenda of Education Curriculum, which tries to encourage all school-aged children to be in the school consistently observing the “No Collection Policy” during enrollment. Thus to give parents a chance to spend their money for the immediate needs of their children. Even during the school year, the school do not collect any amount nor initiate exorbitant projects or PTA contributions, which they think, will be a burden to pupils and parents whom they know are having difficulty letting their income both ends meet for the needs of the family.
Tonsuya Elementary School Located at G. Sanciangco Sreet Barangay Tonsuya, Malabon City Philippines.
The only Public School in Barangay Tonsuya that serves complete basic education curriculum which comprises of a total land area of 6, 292 sq. meter.